In 1620, the Mayflower landed on North American soil carrying hundreds of exiled Englishmen. They were not the first Europeans to explore America, nor were they the first to settle on North American soil. Other Eruopean settlers had already created flourishing colonies in the south. Native tribes already populated the continent from sea to sea. So why do we remember the Mayflower?
The Mayflower is remembered because of the everlasting impact its passengers would have on American culture. Yes, those other humans also affected American culture, but the puritan influence is more profound, obvious, pervasive, and long-lasting.
Follow the steps below to gain insight on puritan culture.
- Read the material on this website: http://www.wsu.edu/~campbelld/amlit/purdef.htm After reading the material from the website , answer the following questions:
- What were the primary beliefs of a puritan community?
- Describe the relationship between the church and the state in a puritan community.
3. Watch the video: Anne Bradstreet's Poem (The text of this poem is attached to my website.)
- After reading William Bradford's jornal and watching Anne Bradstreet's poem, chose six puritan beliefs (3 from each) and describe them in 2-4 sentences.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9Z- nN1YB5A
- What Puritan beliefs does Reagan refer to in his farewell speech?
- Describe your thoughts on his speech in 3-5 sentences.
Using the information you learned in class and your previous knowledge of puritan culture, answer the questions: Where do you see puritan influence in your environment? Do you relate to them at all, or do they seem more like a completely different species?
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ReplyDelete1. The puritans believed in predestination, justification and sanctification.
ReplyDelete2. The relationship between church and state in the puritan community is that the state did not control the church so the church had to self govern and teach people itself.
3. Six beliefs are that 1-everything you own belongs to God, even if you bought it yourself. 2-Nothing you buy can be taken to heaven and nothing materialistic matters. 3-Even in the darkest times you have to praise God and be thankful for what he gives. 4-Everything is predetermined, you don't get a choice on how to live your life, it just happens. You go to heaven if God gives you the privilege. 5-You must commit everything you have to the will of God. Even when there is a storm, you listen to His will and you don't freak out. 6-There is only one way to please God.
4. He referred to life after death.
5. I think this speech is very inspirational and very moving. Ronald cared so much about America and doing the right thing. He really showed that through this speech.
1. The puritans belived in predestination, which means you cant choose salvation, only god can. The also believed in sanctifications and covenants between God and his people.
ReplyDelete2. The church and the state were both controlled by the word of God. The state did not control the church. It was self enforced.
1. The Puritans believed in predestination. Puritans believed that belief in Jesus and participation in the sacraments could not alone effect ones salvation.
ReplyDelete2. The church did not control the state and the state did not control the church. They were both ruled by God.
4. He referred to life after death.
5. His speech was very inspiring. You could tell that he cared alot about America.
1, The Puritans considered the Bible as the true law of God. So they believe in God. (sanstification)
ReplyDelete2, the state couldn't control the church, but the church had teach other people.
3, six beliefs: 1, everything, what we have, is God's, even if I bought it. 2, nothing, what you will buy,you can't take to the heaven. 3, Everytime in the darkest times, you have to believe in God, and be glad, what he took us. 4, You can't choose, how ti live your life. 5, You have to listen to the God, everytime. 6, You can choose only one way, how to be a "friend" with God.
4, He showed us, how to live a life, after a death. (afterlife)
5, The speech, what he did, is very inspirative for us all. He wanted to do a right thing, and he did it.
1- puritans belived that church does not choose ones salvation.
ReplyDeleteThe relationship between the church and state was mutual, they made it optional because they thought it was a test of faith.
2.6 beliefs. 1-you go to heaven alone, take nothing because your soul is all that matters. 2-God is everything, if you buy something it doesnt matter because god controlls everything. 3-no matther how bad things are you will always have God so be glad with what you have because someone has less. 4-you must always trust god no matter what he will watch over you. 5-you do not choose your path god has choosen it for you. 6-you must please god in the only way possible.
3.Ronald Regan mentions living even though your dead or life after detath.
I liked ronald regans speach. I think it is one of the best speach that ive ever heard. he not only gets to the point but his does it in a very interesting way. I realy enjoied this speach overall.
1. They believed that there was only one church one Jesus and one bible.
ReplyDelete2. They couldn't control the church.
3. He said that the kids should be taught more about history so they know what went on and why things are the way they are now.
4. I thought his speech was inspiring and taught me alot about how things were before I was born.
1.The primary beliefs of the puritans were basically that when God believes it's time he will pick those who are saved and those who will get salvation.
ReplyDelete2.The relationship between the church and the puritan community was set so that God basically controlled both.
3.The six puritan beliefs-1.There is no money needed in heaven, because all your treasures are there for you. 2.Nothing you claim is really yours, it belongs to God. 3.Even though something so glorious may appear gone, its permanent in Gods eyes. 4.God decides what happens on this world. 5.If you give yourself to God, he will help you through anything. 6.If you trust in Gods doing, he will keep you safe.
4.Having another life after death/passing.
5.I think it made people not afraid of dying, making the believe that they will have a another life after death. Opened peoples eyes to a lot of the things that were going on in the world during that time. All comunists are bad and we need to stay away from them. Inspirational speech in my eyes and probably a lot of other peoples eyes who saw and heard this speech.
Six beliefs of the puritans are that everything belongs to God because he created everything, Jesus paid with his life so people can go to heaven, there is enough wealth in heaven so you don't need earthly things, people must commit to the will of God, don't be afraid because God will protect you, and God chooses what happens to you.
ReplyDelete-Reagan talked aboutlife after death.
-Reagan's speach is really good. He genuinly cares about human rights and freedom. He inspires people to work together.
1. Puritans believed that the only way you can be saved is if you recieved God's grace. Also they believed that belief in Jesus Christ could not alone effect one's salvation/one cannot choose salvation.
ReplyDelete2. God ruled both the church and the state. God was in charge of everything. The church had to teach itself/others.
3. 1. nothing you buy/own belongs to you. God owns everything. 2. No matter what goes on in your life, you must be thankful for the life God gave you. 3. Nothing your own is taken when you go to Heaven, just you. 4.you cannot expect to go to Heaven, you just have to hope. Going to Heaven is a privilage. 5. Nothing in your life can be controlled by another person. God controlls all. 6. God is always right about everyything. Never question why.
4. In his farewell, Ronald Reagen refers to life after death for Puritan beliefs.
5. Ronald Reagen's speech was impowering. He did the right things to make America a better place.
1. Puritans believe tht jesus and participation in sacraments could not alone effect one's salvation, one cannot choose salvation, for tht is privilege ov God alone. Determined by God's sovereignty, including choosing those who will be saved and those who will recieve God's irreistible grace.
ReplyDelete3. William Bradford's journal is a bit different from Anne Bradstreet's poem but talking about their feelings is the same. And both blessed God's name.
4. Puritans were exiled from New England so they can have freedon ov reiligion and freedom ov speech.
My thoughts about Reagan's speech tht it's important to to forget something tht changed America and tht freedon brings americans together and making a difference on how we think about politics and how we see it.
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ReplyDelete1. the purtains belived in predestination, justification and sanctification
ReplyDelete2. The relationship between the state and the chruch was that the state did not control the church, god controled both the church and the state.
3. 1- Nothing in your life can be controlled by another person
2- Nothing you claim is really yours, it belongs to God
3- I blest His name that gave and took,
That laid my goods now in the dust
4-you must please god in the only way possible
5- God decides what happens on this world
6- You can´t expect to go to Heaven, you can just hope
4. He means that you have a life after you died.
5. I think his speech was inspiring, I don´t belive in god or something but he said really good things.